R5-6 1-5 「地域研究に根ざしたアジア外交研究の創成」(令和5-6年度 AY2023 新規)
R5-6 1-5 "A methodological case studies on foreign policies of developing and emerging powers : exploring an efficient and substantial combination with regional studies" (R5-6 AY2023)
This research project explores methods and agendas to invent research on the foreign policy of developing countries based on regional studies
R5 2-2 「グローカルな機能主義: 東日本大震災のナラティブを事例に」(令和5年度 AY2023)
R5 2-2 "Glocal Functionalism: Narratives from the Great East Japan Earthquake" (R5 AY2023)
This study explores the perception of the general public toward modern functionalism of international organizations by examining the interaction between the United Nations (UN) and citizens regarding the World Conference on Disaster Reduction after the Great East Japan Earthquake
R4-5 4-2 「コロナ禍と政変後におけるミャンマーからタイへの国際労働力移動の諸相」(令和4-5年度 AY2023 継続)
R4-5 4-2 "International Labour Migration from Myanmar to Thailand in the Wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Political Upheaval" (R4-5 AY2023)
This study analyzes various aspects of international labour migration from Myanmar to Thailand in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and political upheaval
R5-6 6-1 「ハノイ旧市街寺社神祠拓本から見る近代以後の都市変容に関する基礎研究」(令和5-6年度 AY2023 新規)
R5-6 6-1 "Basic study for urban transformation in old Hanoi city based on epigraphic analysis of religious architecture" (R5-6 AY2023)
The old quarter of Hanoi originated from the market town of Ke Cho in the 12th century, having layers of various cultural or religious heritages, which were also transformed through colonization, wars, or economic growth in the 19th to 21st centuries
R6-7 1-6「⼈権の時代の東南アジア」(令和5-6年度 AY2024 継続)
R5-6 1-1「東南アジア現代アートの実践に関する考察: 上演芸術を中心とした予備的調査」(令和5-6年度 AY2024 継続)