R5-6 1-4 "Construction of a platform to promote the GIAHS program in East-Southeast Asia" (R5-6 AY2023)
Project Leader Naito Naoki (Tokushima University, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Science […]
R5-6 1-6 「インドネシア・ボロブドゥールのレリーフにおける仏教美術研究」(令和5-6年度 AY2023 新規)
R5-6 1-6 "Buddhist Art of Borobudur Relief in Indonesia" (R5-6 AY2023)
This project aims to present a new understanding of the Borobudur Monument in Central Indonesia
R4-5 1-5 「東南アジア⼤陸⼭地部における⽣態環境と⽣業に潜在する健康リスクの評価」(令和4-5年度 AY2023 継続)
R4-5 1-5 "A study of the inherent health risks of livelihoods in montane mainland Southeast Asia" (R4-5 AY2023)
Previous studies have alleged that the padi or valley states in the lowlands exert political influence over upland communities because of their higher rice productivity and carrying capacity
R5 2-3 「南部フィリピン・バンサモロ暫定自治地域における移行期正義の予備的研究:『接触領域』の紛争経験に着目して」(令和5年度 AY2023)
R5 2-3 "Exploratory Study on Transitional Justice in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, Southern Philippines: Focusing on Experience of Conflicts in the “Contact Zone”" (R5 AY2023)
Project Leader Yoshizawa Asuna (Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies) Research Project Explora […]
R5 2-4 「民族宗教としての『ベトナム仏教』の普及とナショナリズム」(令和5年度 AY2023)
今日ベトナム国内では、「ベトナム仏教(Phật Giáo Việt Nam)」という言葉が一般的に使われており、あたかも仏教と民族とが不可分の関係であるかのように語られている
R5 2-4 "Spread of “Vietnamese Buddhism” as National Religion and Nationalism" (R5 AY2023)
The term “Vietnamese Buddhism(Phật Giáo Việt Nam)” is commonly used and narrated in Vietnam as if the relationship between the nation and Buddhism was, is, and will be inseparable. However, it was influenced by radical social changes during the 20th century, when nationalism was rampant, and its perceptions varied depending on sects, ethnicities, and regions
R5 2-5 「20世紀後半ジャワの占い本プリンボンから見る知 : 『イルム』に潜在する宗教的複合性」(令和5年度 AY2023)