R4-5 1-5 「東南アジア⼤陸⼭地部における⽣態環境と⽣業に潜在する健康リスクの評価」(令和4-5年度 AY2022 新規)
R4-5 1-5 "A study of the inherent health risks of livelihoods in montane mainland Southeast Asia" (R4-5 AY2022)
Previous studies have alleged that padi state or valley state at the lowlands exerted political influence over upland communities due to their higher rice productivity and carrying capacity
R4-5 4-1 「東南アジアの脱農化パラドクスの解明に向けた道具立て: 包括的枠組みの構築へ」(令和4-5年度 AY2022 新規)
R4-5 4-1 "A Preliminary Study on the Paradox of De-agrarianization in Southeast Asia" (R4-5 AY2022)
In Southeast Asia, the importance of the agricultural sector and rural areas in the economy and society has been declining since the late twentieth century, which can be understood as part of a process of “de-agrarianization” proposed in previous academic studies
R4-5 1-1 「ASEANの金融デジタル化と金融包摂」(令和4-5年度 AY2023 継続)
R4-5 1-1 "Digitization of financial services and financial inclusion in ASEAN" (R4-5 AY2023)
As a result of the rapid development of digital financial services in Southeast Asian countries in recent years, the financial sector has undergone a drastic transformation
R4-5 1-5 「東南アジア⼤陸⼭地部における⽣態環境と⽣業に潜在する健康リスクの評価」(令和4-5年度 AY2023 継続)
R4-5 1-5 "A study of the inherent health risks of livelihoods in montane mainland Southeast Asia" (R4-5 AY2023)
Previous studies have alleged that the padi or valley states in the lowlands exert political influence over upland communities because of their higher rice productivity and carrying capacity
R5 3-1 「ラオス焼畑村落の時空間分析」(令和5年度 AY2023)
R4-5 4-1 「東南アジアの脱農化パラドクスの解明に向けた道具立て: 包括的枠組みの構築へ」(令和4-5年度 AY2023 継続)