R4-5 1-6 「インドネシア・リアウ州の熱帯泥炭地における氾濫原保護区の設定についての超学際的研究」(令和4-5年度 AY2023 継続)
R4-5 1-6 "Transdisciplinary research on the establishment of a floodplain-forest reserve in a fishing village in Riau, Indonesia" (R4-5 AY2023)
This study aims to establish a floodplain forest reserve in a tropical peat area in Riau, Indonesia, and investigate the subsequent social and environmental changes in a fishing village
R5 2-6 「北タイ山地民の都市流入とコーヒービジネスの関わり」(令和5年度 AY2023)
R5 2-6 "Relationships Between Urban Migration and Coffee Business of Mountain People in Northern Thailand" (R5 AY2023)
Project Leader Kusaka Yousuke (Kobe University, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies) Research Project Rel […]
R5-6 4-1 「東南アジア農村社会における人々の機会とリスクに関する研究枠組み構築の試み」(令和5-6年度 AY2023 新規)
R5-6 4-1 "Preliminary Approach for Research Framework Building for Studying Opportunities and Risks of Residents in Rural Societies of Southeast Asian Countries" (R5-6 AY2023)
Recent changes in Southeast Asia, such as the rearrangement associated with globalization in industrial and employment structures, development of transportation, and improvement in the quality of human resources, have also impacted rural societies
R4-5 4-1 「東南アジアの脱農化パラドクスの解明に向けた道具立て: 包括的枠組みの構築へ」(令和4-5年度 AY2023 継続)
R4-5 4-1 "A Preliminary Study on the Paradox of De-agrarianization in Southeast Asia" (R4-5 AY2023)
In Southeast Asia, the importance of the agricultural sector and rural areas in the economy and society has been declining since the late twentieth century, which can be understood as part of a process of “de-agrarianization” proposed in previous academic studies. On the other hand, the continuous growth of farming areas and agricultural production, which can be referred to as “agriculturalization,” during the same period has also been apparent
R6-7 1-6「⼈権の時代の東南アジア」(令和5-6年度 AY2024 継続)
R6 3-1「東南アジアにおける中国の一帯一路政策: 概念と方法論」(令和6年度 AY2024)
China’s BRI in Southeast Asia: Concepts and Methodologies