R4-5 1-4 「マダニ媒介性動物感染症の簡易迅速的な診断法の構築」(令和4-5年度 AY2022 新規)
R4-5 1-4 "Establishment of convenient and rapid diagnosis method for tick-borne animal diseases" (R4-5 AY2022)
Southeast Asia, especially the Philippines, has experienced remarkable economic growth in recent years, and exports of agricultural and livestock products to Japan have increased rapidly. However, various infectious diseases in the region are the most critical factor preventing the improvement of livestock productivity
R5-6 1-1 「東南アジア現代アートの実践に関する考察: 上演芸術を中心とした予備的調査」(令和5-6年度 AY2023 新規)
R5-6 1-1 "Consideration on Practices of Contemporary Arts in Southeast Asia: Preliminary Research Focusing on Performing Art Forms" (R5-6 AY2023)
This study examines the current state of contemporary art practices in Southeast Asia. This study mainly focuses on dance, theatre, literature, and film, although the boundaries between these genres are not restricted
R5-6 1-5 「地域研究に根ざしたアジア外交研究の創成」(令和5-6年度 AY2023 新規)
R5-6 1-5 "A methodological case studies on foreign policies of developing and emerging powers : exploring an efficient and substantial combination with regional studies" (R5-6 AY2023)
This research project explores methods and agendas to invent research on the foreign policy of developing countries based on regional studies
R4-5 1-4 「マダニ媒介性動物感染症の簡易迅速的な診断法の構築」(令和4-5年度 AY2023 継続)
R4-5 1-4 "Establishment of convenient and rapid diagnosis method for tick-borne animal diseases" (R4-5 AY2023)
Southeast Asia, especially the Philippines, has experienced remarkable economic growth in recent years, and exports of agricultural and livestock products to Japan have rapidly increased
R5 2-1 「東南アジアにおけるマダニ媒介性感染症の環境動態調査」(令和5年度 AY2023)
R5 2-1 "Survey of environmental dynamics of tick borne diseases in the Philippines" (R5 AY2023)
Tick-borne diseases such as theileriosis and babesiosis have caused tremendous damage to the livestock industry in the Philippines