R4-5 1-3 「近代東南アジアにおける社会経済の変容と季節性」(令和4-5年度 AY2022 新規)
R4-5 1-3 "Socio-economic change and seasonality in modern Southeast Asia" (R4-5 AY2022)
This project explores how seasonal fluctuations have changed in modern Southeast Asia, where natural environments have inherently constrained and defined regional economic activities
R4 2-1 「大英帝国ビルマにおけるシャン・ソーブワと植民地行政官たちの交渉過程(1937年-1948年)」(令和4年度 AY2022)
R4 2-1 "Political Bargaining between Shan Sawbwas and Colonial Officials during the British Burma period (1937-1948)" (R4 AY2022)
This study examines the demands for autonomy by Shan chiefs (hereinafter referred to as “Sawbwa”) during negotiations with colonial officers in Burma from 1937 to 1948
R4 3-1 「ビルマ・コンバウン時代の借金証文」(令和4年度 AY2022 新規)
R4 3-1 "Money-lending Contracts in Konbaung Burma: The Importance of Local Documents in Interpreting Early Modern Society in Southeast Asia" (R4 AY2022)
This study demonstrates the potential of local documents to research on early modern Southeast Asia, a field that has been largely unexplored until now
R4-5 4-1 「東南アジアの脱農化パラドクスの解明に向けた道具立て: 包括的枠組みの構築へ」(令和4-5年度 AY2022 新規)
R4-5 4-1 "A Preliminary Study on the Paradox of De-agrarianization in Southeast Asia" (R4-5 AY2022)
In Southeast Asia, the importance of the agricultural sector and rural areas in the economy and society has been declining since the late twentieth century, which can be understood as part of a process of “de-agrarianization” proposed in previous academic studies
R4-5 4-2 「コロナ禍と政変後におけるミャンマーからタイへの国際労働力移動の諸相」(令和4-5年度 AY2022 新規)
R4-5 4-2 "International Labour Migration from Myanmar to Thailand in the Wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Political Upheaval" (R4-5 AY2022)
This study analyzes various aspects of international labour migration from Myanmar to Thailand in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and political upheaval