R6-7 1-2「東南アジアにおけるマダニ媒介性感染症の実態解明と簡易迅速的な診断法の構築」田仲 哲也 (鹿児島大学共同獣医学部 / 教授) [英文] "Elucidation of the actual situation and establishment of convenient and rapid diagnosis methods for tick-borne infectious diseases in Southeast Asia" Tanaka Tetsuya (Kagoshima University Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)
R6-7 1-3「山村の景観形成においてヤマチャが果たした機能の検討にむけた分野横断的研究」佐々木 綾子 (日本大学生物資源科学部 / 専任講師) [英文] "Transdisciplinary study on the function of “semi-naturalized tea” in the formation of the cultural and agricultural landscapes in the mountainous areas" Sasaki Ayako (Collee of Bioresouce Science, Nihon University)
R5-6 1-3「メコンデルタにおける農業の持続可能性評価に資するための水循環機構の把握手法の検討」林 武司 (秋田大学教育文化学部 / 教授) [英文] "Study on the development of evaluation method of the water cycle to contribute to the sustainability assessment of agriculture in the Mekong Delta" Hayashi Takeshi (Akita University, Faculty of Education and Human Studies)
R5-6 1-5「地域研究に根ざしたアジア外交研究の創成」川島 真 (東京⼤学⼤学院総合文化研究科 / 教授) [英文] "A methodological case studies on foreign policies of developing and emerging powers : exploring an efficient and substantial combination with regional studies" Kawashima Shin (The University of Tokyo, The Graduate School of Arts & Sciences)
R6-7 4-1「情報化時代における東南アジアの辺境社会」生方 史数 (岡山大学学術研究院 / 教授) [英文] "Frontier Societies in Southeast Asia in the Information Age" Ubukata Fumikazu (Faculty of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University)
R5-6 4-1「東南アジア農村社会における人々の機会とリスクに関する研究枠組み構築の試み」藤倉 哲郎 (愛知県立大学外国語学部国際関係学科 / 准教授) [英文] "Preliminary Approach for Research Framework Building for Studying Opportunities and Risks of Residents in Rural Societies of Southeast Asian Countries" Fujikura Tetsuro (Department of International and Cultural Studies, School of Foreign Studies, Aichi Prefectural University)