R4-5 1-6 「インドネシア・リアウ州の熱帯泥炭地における氾濫原保護区の設定についての超学際的研究」(令和4-5年度 AY2022 新規)
R4-5 1-6 "Transdisciplinary research on the establishment of a floodplain-forest reserve in a fishing village in Riau, Indonesia" (R4-5 AY2022)
This study aims to establish a floodplain-forest reserve in a tropical peat area in Riau, Indonesia, and investigates the subsequent social and environmental changes in a fishing village
R4 2-1 「大英帝国ビルマにおけるシャン・ソーブワと植民地行政官たちの交渉過程(1937年-1948年)」(令和4年度 AY2022)
R4 2-1 "Political Bargaining between Shan Sawbwas and Colonial Officials during the British Burma period (1937-1948)" (R4 AY2022)
This study examines the demands for autonomy by Shan chiefs (hereinafter referred to as “Sawbwa”) during negotiations with colonial officers in Burma from 1937 to 1948
R4 2-2 「インドネシア美術における集団的芸術実践と社会の関係」(令和4年度 AY2022)
R4 2-2 "Collective Art Practice and Society in Indonesia" (R4 AY2022)
This research investigates Indonesian collective art activity, which has been sporadically seen since the end of World War II, and its historical continuity in relation to Indonesian society
R4 2-3 「タイのダム湖に⽣息する2種の巨⼤淡⽔⿂における共存メカニズム」(令和4年度 AY2022)
R4 2-3 "Coexistence mechanisms of freshwater megafishes in a reservoir in Thailand" (R4 AY2022)
Megafauna require a large amount of food sources to maintain body size and growth, which can limit species numbers and/or population size of megafauna in a habitat
R4 3-1 「ビルマ・コンバウン時代の借金証文」(令和4年度 AY2022 新規)
R4 3-1 "Money-lending Contracts in Konbaung Burma: The Importance of Local Documents in Interpreting Early Modern Society in Southeast Asia" (R4 AY2022)
This study demonstrates the potential of local documents to research on early modern Southeast Asia, a field that has been largely unexplored until now